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What is APR in Credit Cards? Types of APR, FAQs & much more !

apr in credit card

apr in credit card

Do you know what is APR in Credit Cards? Well, it’s the extra money you might pay each year if you don’t pay off your credit card bill in full. It’s not just about interest; it also includes other charges.

Understanding APR helps you figure out the real cost of borrowing money using your card. It’s like a secret code that, once cracked, can help you make smarter choices about managing your money and saving some cash.

Plus, knowing about APR helps you compare different credit cards to find the one that’s best for you.

What is APR in Credit Cards?

APR, which stands for Annual Percentage Rate, is like the yearly interest charge on your credit card. It’s not just about interest; it also includes extra fees, giving you a clearer picture of how much borrowing money using your card really costs.

You can find details about APR in places like your credit card agreement, monthly statements, and promotional offers before applying for a card.

Understanding APR helps you see the whole expense of using a card and compare different ones to find the best deal for you.

Understanding APR by an example:

Imagine you have a credit card with a stated APR of 18%. This APR applies to purchases made using the card, and let’s assume there are no other fees associated with this card for simplicity’s sake.

If you carry a balance on your credit card from one month to the next, the APR determines the amount of interest you’ll pay annually on that outstanding balance.

Let’s say at the beginning of the month, your balance on the credit card is $1,000, and you don’t make any new purchases during that month. With an APR of 18%, the monthly interest rate would be calculated as follows:

18% APR / 12 months = 1.5% monthly interest rate

So, for that month, the interest accrued on your $1,000 balance would be:

$1,000 (balance) * 0.015 (1.5% as a decimal) = $15

This means that if you carry that $1,000 balance on your credit card for a whole year without making any additional payments or purchases, the total interest you’d pay over the year would be $180 (18% of $1,000).

It’s important to note that this example assumes that the APR remains constant throughout the year and that no payments are made during this time, which might not be the case in real-life scenarios.

Additionally, credit cards often have different APRs for different types of transactions (such as purchases, balance transfers, or cash advances), and the actual APR that applies to a specific card can also depend on an individual’s creditworthiness.

Understanding the APR helps you compare the costs associated with different credit cards and make informed decisions about borrowing and managing their credit card balances.

How many types of APR are there, and how are they calculated?

Here are the most common types of APR associated with credit cards, explained with simple examples.

Purchase APR:

This is the interest rate applied to purchases made using the credit card. It’s the standard rate that applies when you carry a balance on purchases. The purchase APR is used to calculate interest on any remaining balance from purchases if you don’t pay the full statement balance by the due date.

Example: Suppose you make a purchase of $500 on a credit card with a 20% purchase APR. If you carry this balance without paying it off immediately, the APR determines the interest you’ll owe. For instance, in a month, the interest would be $8 ($500 * 0.20 / 12 months).

Balance Transfer APR:

When you transfer a balance from one credit card to another, a specific interest rate, known as the balance transfer APR, is applied to that transferred amount. Similar to the purchase APR, this rate determines the interest charged on the transferred balance if not paid off within the promotional period.

Example: You transfer a $1,000 balance from one card to another with a 15% balance transfer APR. The APR determines the interest charged on this amount if it remains unpaid within the promotional period, say six months, resulting in an interest of $75 ($1,000 * 0.15 * 6 / 12 months).

Cash Advance APR:

When you withdraw cash from your credit card, a different, usually higher interest rate, called the cash advance APR, applies to that transaction. This APR determines the interest charged on cash advances immediately from the time of withdrawal, often with no grace period.

Example: If you withdraw $200 cash from a credit card with a 25% cash advance APR, the APR applies immediately, and you would owe $50 in interest over two months ($200 * 0.25 * 2 / 12 months).

Introductory or Promotional APR:

Many credit cards offer a temporary lower or zero APR for a specified period after opening a new account. This is often a promotional rate. During the promotional period, a reduced or 0% APR might be applied to purchases, balance transfers, or both.

Example: You open a new credit card with a 0% APR on purchases for the first 12 months. During this period, any purchases made wouldn’t accrue interest. For instance, a $700 purchase made during this period would not incur any interest charges for 12 months.

Penalty APR:

This is a higher interest rate that credit card companies may impose as a penalty for late payments or other violations of the card agreement terms. Triggered by specific actions outlined in the cardholder agreement, this higher APR can significantly increase the cost of carrying a balance on the card.

Example: You miss a payment, triggering the penalty APR of 30%. If your balance is $800 and remains unpaid, this higher APR will significantly increase the interest owed compared to the standard APR.

Understanding these APRs helps in evaluating the true cost of borrowing on a credit card and in making informed decisions about managing balances and payments.

Variable APR:

Variable APR in credit cards changes with market indexes, such as the prime rate. This dynamic rate can vary monthly, impacting interest rates applied to card balances, often increasing or decreasing in line with fluctuations in the economy. This can potentially increasing monthly payments and overall debt.

Fixed or Constant APR:

Fixed APR is a constant interest rate throughout the credit card usage period, independent of market shifts. It offers cardholders stability, as the rate remains unchanged, providing predictability in interest charges regardless of alterations in economic conditions.

How is APR different from Interest on a credit card?

APR (Annual Percentage Rate) and interest on a credit card may seem similar, but they represent different aspects of borrowing money. APR is like the full package deal, showing the overall cost of using a credit card for a year.

It includes the interest rate and additional fees, giving a broader view of expenses. For example, if you borrow $100 with a 20% APR, you’d owe about $20 in interest plus some extra fees.

On the other hand, interest is just a part of that package—it’s the specific cost of borrowing money, shown as a percentage of what you owe. So, if you carry a $500 balance with a 15% interest rate, you’d owe $75 in interest.

The key difference lies in APR being more comprehensive, including fees, while interest focuses solely on the cost of borrowing itself. Understanding these differences helps you compare credit card offers more accurately, as a lower interest rate might not always mean a lower APR due to additional fees.

Where can you find APR of your credit card?

You can find the APR of your credit card in several places:

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Calculating Credit Card Interest with APR

You can easily calculate credit card interest using the APR (Annual Percentage Rate). The formula to calculate interest on a credit card balance for a specific period is:

Interest = (Balance × APR × Days in Billing Cycle) / (365 days)


  • Balance is the outstanding amount on the credit card.
  • APR is the Annual Percentage Rate.
  • Days in Billing Cycle is the number of days in the billing period.

Now, Let’s calculate the interest for a credit card balance over a specific period using the formula:


Using the formula:

Interest = (Balance × APR × Days in Billing Cycle) / (365 days) Interest = ($1,000 × 0.18 × 30) / 365 Interest = ($180 × 30) / 365 Interest = $5.85 (approximately)

Therefore, for a $1,000 balance with an 18% APR over a 30-day billing cycle, the estimated interest charged would be approximately $5.85. This calculation assumes a simple interest calculation and may differ slightly based on the specific methodology used by the credit card issuer.

What are effective methods for lowering your APR?

Lowering the APR (Annual Percentage Rate) on a credit card can save money on interest charges. While card issuers set APRs based on various factors like credit history and market conditions, several strategies may help lower APR:

Q. What is APR in a credit card?

Ans. APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate, representing the yearly cost of borrowing on a credit card, including interest and certain fees.

Q. How is APR different from interest?

Ans. APR includes interest and additional charges, offering a broader view of borrowing costs, while interest refers specifically to the cost of borrowing money.

Q. Where can I find my credit card’s APR?

Ans. You can find your credit card’s APR in the card agreement, monthly statements, the issuer’s website, or pre-application disclosures.

Q. Can I negotiate my APR?

Ans. Yes, it’s possible to negotiate your APR with the credit card issuer, particularly with a good payment history or by mentioning competing offers.

Q. How can I lower my APR?

Ans. Methods to lower your APR include improving your credit score, negotiating with the issuer, paying bills on time, and exploring balance transfer offers.

Q. Does APR change?

Ans. Yes, APR can change based on market conditions, issuer policies, or cardholder actions, like missing payments triggering penalty APRs.

Q. What’s the difference between Fixed APR and Variable APR?

Ans. Fixed APR remains constant, while Variable APR fluctuates based on market indexes, impacting interest rates on credit card balances.

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